Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Myth of Evolution

Since the beginning, man has tried to find out how he came to be on earth. Allah has sent His messengers to tell man about his origin and purpose in this world. Those who listened to them and adhered to what they said became successful while others were doomed forever. The purpose of mankind on earth as stated by every messenger is to worship Allah alone. But there were people who rejected the prophets either due to arrogance or due to considering as contrary to intellect and observation the things which they were preaching. They used to say where is Allah? We want to see Him, we can not believe Him until we see Him. They used to argue with the prophets to show them the angels, etc. Due to these vain arguments and arrogance Allah's wrath would fall upon them and they would perish in instants. The concept of a Creator entails with it a lot of things which man's "nafs" finds very difficult to believe. That’s why those who wanted to follow their "nafs", they denied the very existence of Allah. So that when there is no Creator, they have no obligations to fulfill, then they were free to do whatever they liked, and this is the freedom which west talks about reaching every home. But the actual freedom is in submission to Allah, not in submission to one's own "nafs". This is the fact west would know in the due course of time insha Allah.

Evolution is another lie fabricated to deny the existence of Allah. With the advent of science the followers of "nafs" wanted to scientifically refute the existence of Allah, so they concocted the theory of evolution. Which says that nobody created man rather it came about by a mere chance. The evolutionists go like this, that in the beginning in a pond of water there were a lot of chemical reactions going on and due to extreme weather conditions and several other factors, those chemicals gave rise to proteins, and then from those proteins first unicellular organism was formed and then due to mutation which again takes place by chance - which may take millions of years - a multi-cellular organism was formed. From that multi-cellular organism due to mutation again - i.e. after millions of years - fish was formed, and then due to mutation fish changed into amphibians and then due to mutation amphibians changed into land animals and then through mutation the land animals changed into birds. And according to this theory the man and monkey shared the same ancestor. Before talking about the fallacies of this theory, it's appropriate to enumerate the types of knowledge, since we can only judge some idea, when we have knowledge.

In a book named "Al intibaahatal Mufeeda an'il ishtibahatal jadeeda" written by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi(ra) the types of knowledge are mentioned. Which are based upon their respective means of procurement.
1. Observation
2. Intellect
3. Wahy
Observation is synonymous to the science we know of and intellect is philosophy. While the third type of knowledge is called Ilm-e-nubbuwat, which is only given to the prophets and then from the prophets it is passed on to the prophets' followers. Observation can be wrong, e.g. if you put your hand in the cold water and then put it in the normal water, you would feel that its hot, while its not. And intellect alone also can not guide to the truth. So if man rely on these two methods of knowledge acquisition, and does not use the third method, which is the most sound of all, then he would keep on wandering in the jungle of doubts. So for Muslims this should be sufficient that Allah created everything and Allah is the sustainer of everything. And for the atheists and non Muslims following discussion on the theory of evolution would serve as the invitation to accept the truth. Another thing that we Muslims have to remember is that whenever something is in the form of theory it may or may not contradict Islam because it is not yet proven, but when the theory becomes a universal law, then it does not contradict Islam(as said by Maulana Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (db)).

Talking about the chance or probability theory, we assign the probability to a possible outcome which is equal to one divided by the total number of possible outcomes. For example if we toss a coin, there are only two outcomes, i.e. heads or tails. Now each outcome has a probability equal to 1/2. Likewise when we role a fair dice we can expect only six outcomes, so we have a probability of 1/6 for every face of the dice to show up. Likewise when in the pond of evolutionist there were an infinite number of outcomes of the chemical reactions taking place, the probability of becoming a protein would also be 1/infinity, which would have taken an infinite amount of time to come by. Recently an experiment was carried out to imitate the initial conditions of earth and get protein out of the pond, but they failed to get anything near protein. Another thing that is intriguing that for example windows 95 is an operating system basing on which Microsoft built its repute, did not come as an outcome of chance. Like somebody took so many bytes and put them in the box and shook the box and out came the Windows 95 operating system. No, that was not the case; rather so many computer programmers spent a lot of man hours to build this operating system. Then how can any one believe that this universe, this fauna and flora and man himself came into being with mere chance. While Windows 95 keeps on faltering while this universe and everything in it never malfunctioned.

Time for evolution:
Let’s calculate the time evolution took to reach its present form. Since its all speculation so we would assume the time taken to change from one form to the other.
1. From amino acids to protien - 10 million yrs
2. From protien to unicellular organism - 50 million yrs.
3. From unicellular organism to two cells - 10 million yrs.
4. From two cells to three cells - 10 million yrs.
5. From three cells to multicellular organism - 1.5 billion yrs.
6. From multicellular organism to fish - 1 billion yrs.
7. From fish to amphibians - 1 billion yrs.
8. From amphibians to land animals - 1 billion yrs.
9. From land animals to birds - 1 billion yrs.
Which all adds up to 5.3 billion years. That means at least 5.3 billion years would be required to let evolution play its role. Which is greater than the age of earth as calculated using radiometric age dating of meteorite material, which is 4.5 billion years.[Age of Earth].

And if the evolutionists say that with some other permutation of times taken for each evolutionary step, the total time can match the actual life of earth. The answer to this is that how can they be sure about the time taken by each evolutionary step. They have no proof what so ever of this, rather its all their conjecture. Now one more thing that we have to keep in mind is that the process of mutation is extremely slow. All the examples of mutation which we see today are not carried on to the next generations. Because due to mutation, the delicate balance in the body is drastically affected, this renders the mutated being unable to survive.

Preciseness in nature
In the time of Darwin, the scientific tools were not so sophisticated; they could not even see the individual cells under the microscope. Now with the advent of new scientific tools, more and more details of living beings are revealed. And scientists have come to the conclusion that every organ in the body has specific function to perform. Let’s take for example a human body; every organ has some specific task assigned to it which any other organ can not perform. And if that organ is not in its current form i.e. under going mutation, it can not be useful, rather in some cases it may be harmful for the human body. Let’s go ten million year back, and try to envisage a human being. We know through the theory of evolution that ten million year ago the man was certainly not in his present form, rather he was in the process of mutation. So he would have two eyes, but those eyes would not help him see. He would have two ears but they would not help him to hear. He would have a pharynx but it would not help him to talk, since he was under going mutation and he would have been ten million years away from perfection. In the same way he would not be able to reproduce since he would have been under going mutation in his reproductive system, so the changes in that human body ten million years ago could not possibly be transmitted on to the next generation. That’s why we have to believe that every living being was created the same way, as it is right now in front of us.

The Holy Quraan and Evolution
In the Quraan Allah says,(the close meaning)
"And [mention] when your Lord said to the angels, 'Truly, I will create a
man from clay. So when I have completed him, and breathed into him of
My spirit, then fall down prostrate to him.' And the angels prostrated one
and all. Save for Satan, who was too proud to, and disbelieved. He said
to him, 'O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating to what I have
created with My two hands? Are you arrogant, or too exalted?' He said, "I
am better than he; You created me from fire and created him from clay'"
(Qur'an 38:71-76).
So it is our belief according to this and many verses in the Quraan, that Allah Almighty created everything including man, and those who believe in evolution they obvoiusly can not have belief in these verses. And if someone calls himself a Muslim and does not believe in even one verse of the Holy Quraan, he goes out of the fold of Islam. So using this forum I want to appeal to all the Muslim Governments get rid of the material on evolution from our biology books, since being an Islamic country we should teach our generation what is in line with Islam, not what's open kufr.

Furthur References:

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